Are you ‘bamboozled’ by all the different types of bed linen available in the shops? Here is a quick guide on the different types of bed linen available in the market place.
Egyptian Cotton
Egyptian cotton has extra long fibres or staples and can feel a little stiff at first. It does become much softer after a few washes. They are the one of the most durable types of bed linen.

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Percale is a combed cotton and has a very luxurious and soft feel. It is of medium weight, is very smooth and has no gloss.
You will either love linen or hate them! Wrinkle or pressed they can look fabulous and add a luxurious look to the room.
Silk bed linen is luxurious and expensive but silk is delicate on the skin, and lightweight.
Bamboo bed linen is made from 100% bamboo fibre, environment friendly and cool in summer and warm in winter. They are anti-microbial and anti-fungal.
Cotton Sateen
Cotton sateen is woven to create a sheen which resembles Satin. It has a rich and silky feel.
Polyester Cotton
Poly cotton is an easy care, smooth and comfortable bed linen. It is easy to iron and relatively inexpensive.
What is your favourite type of bed linen?